DevSecOps is coming! Don't be afraid of change
![DevSecOps is coming! Don't be afraid of change](/img/0621/devops_ft.jpg)
There has been a lot of buzz about the relationship between Security and DevOps as if we are debating their happy companionship. To me they are soulmates, and DevSecOps is a workable, scalable, and quantifiable fact unlike the big button if applied wisely.
What is DevOps?
The development cycle has undergone considerable changes in last few years. Customers and clients have evolving requirements and the market demands speed, and quality. The relationship between developers and operations have grown much closer to address this change. IT infrastructure has evolved in parallel to cater to quick timelines, and release cycles. The old legacy infrastructure with multiple toll gates if drifting away, and fast, responsive API(s) are taking place to spawn and scale vast instances of software and hardware.
Developers who were slowly getting closer to the operations team have now decided to wear both the hats and skip a ‘redundant’ hop. This integration has helped organisations achieve quick releases with better application stability and response times. Now, the demands of the customer or end-user can be addressed & delivered directly by the DevOps team. Sometimes people confuse agile and DevOps and its natural with the everchanging landscape.
Simply put, Agile is a methodology and is about processes (scrums, sprints etc.) while DevOps is about technical integration (CI/CD, tool and IT automation)
While Agile talks about SDLC, DevOps also integrate Operations and fluidity in Agile. It focuses on being closer to the customer and not just committing working software. DevOps in its arsenal has many tools that support - release, monitoring, management, virtualisation, automation, and orchestration of different parts of delivery fast and efficient. Its the need of the hour with the constant changes in requirements, and ecosystem. It has to evolve & release ongoing updates to keep up with the pace of the customer, and market demands. It’s not mono-directional water flow; Instead, it’s like an omnidirectional tube of water flowing in a gravity-free ecosystem.
What is DevSecOps?
The primary objective of DevSecOps is to integrate security at early stages of development on the process side and to make sure everyone in the team is responsible for security. It evangelises security as a strong glue to hold the bond between development and operations, by the single task force. In DecSecOps, security ought to be a part of automation via tools, controls and processes.
Traditional SDLC (software development life cycle) often perceives security as a toll gate at the end, to validate the efforts on the scale of visible threats. In DevSecOps, security is everywhere, at all stages/ phases of development and operations. It is embedded right into the life cycle that has a continuous integration between the drawing pad, security tools, and release cycle.
As Gartner documents, DevSecOps can be depicted graphically as the rapid and agile iteration from development into operations, with continuous monitoring and analytics at the core.
Another key driving factor for DevSecOps is the fact that perimeter security is failing to adjust with increasing integration points and the blurring of the trust boundaries. It’s getting less opaque and fuzzier where the perimeter is in this cyber ecosystem. It is eminent that software has to be inherently secure itself without relying on the border security controls. Rapid development and releases lead to shortening the supply chain timeline to implement custom controls like filters, policies and firewalls.
I have tried to make the terms well understandable in this series; there are many challenges faced by organizations, and their possible solutions which I shall cover in next article.
Stay tuned.